
This classic ruby red cocktail has been experiencing a renaissance since 2015 or so. It may look sweet, but nothing could be further from the truth. Here you will find strong and bitter notes with an accompaniment of citrus.

Legend has it that Count Camillo Negroni asked his friend, bartender Forsco Scarselli, to enhance his favourite Americano cocktail by replacing soda water with gin. Scarselli added an orange instead of the lemon that is usually served with an Americano and thus, for the first time, this particular cocktail was served. Soon everyone was coming to the bar for a 'Negroni'.

TheNegroni is a typical Aperitivo style cocktail, meaning it is very good to drink before a meal. However, it is a very complex drink and may not appeal to everyone. The Negroni can be loved or hated. We definitely love it.


  • 30 ml Tessellis London Dry Gin
  • 30 ml sweet vermouth
  • 30 ml bitter (e.g. Campari)


Pour all the ingredients into a glass. A glass will suffice to measure the alcohol portion if you don't have a bartender's measuring cup. Add ice and stir until chilled. Pour into a tumbler/old fashioned glass filled with ice and garnish with fresh orange peel or a whole slice of orange.

The brand name of one of the most popular bitter liqueurs, Campari, played an undeniable role in the history and popularisation of this cocktail. It is an Italian liqueur created by infusing alcohol with fruit and herbs. The marketing campaign repeatedly uses the Negroni cocktail, not infrequently in the presence of celebrities from the world of Hollywood.

We also invite you to The ROOTS Cocktail bar & more in Warsaw, where you can try the Polish Negroni. The base is of course our flagship Tessellis London Dry Gin, accompanied by products from other Polish producers.
