Terms and conditions of the website

Responsible entity: MM GIN SHOP SP. Z O.O.

REGON: 524269156 NIP:9691655977

Kozielska Street , No. 2, Sośnicowice,

code 44-153, Sośnicowice, country POLAND

The online shop is available on the website at tessellis.pl and is operated by MM GIN SHOP Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs by the District Court in Gliwice, 10th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the following number: 0001015367. In the further part of these Terms and Conditions, it will be referred to as the "Website".

Contact with the Seller can be obtained:

- at telephone number: 791792650 (working hours of the Store [8 am - 4 pm on working days], charge as for an ordinary telephone call, according to the tariff package of the service provider used by the Customer),

- using the e-mail address - kontakt@tessellis.pl;

- using the contact form, located on the website.

§1 General provisions

  1. The Website is available on the website at https://www.tessellis.pl and is operated by MM GIN SHOP Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, entered into the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court in Gliwice, Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the following number: 0001015367, hereinafter referred to as the "Website".

  2. These Terms and Conditions set out the rules for the use of the Website by the Customers, in particular the rules for entering into agreements for the supply of food for closed events via the Website, the performance of these agreements and the conduct of complaint proceedings.

  3. The Supplier holds a valid permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 18% alcohol, as part of its activity subject to supplying food for closed events organised at the time and place designated by the Customer, based on the agreement concluded with it. Permit number III/156/C/1/2023 , issued by the Mayor of Sośnicowice.

  4. Alcoholic beverages offered through the Website shall only be delivered to closed events organised by the customer at the time and place designated by the customer, as specified in the product sales agreement.

  5. Only persons 18 years of age or older may place orders via the Website.

  6. The following meaning for the words is established:

    1. REGULATIONS - these terms and conditions,

    2. CUSTOMER - a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality but with the capacity to perform legal acts, who, under the terms of these Regulations, places an Order through the WEBSITE STORE,

    3. ENTREPRENEUR WITH CONSUMER'S PRIVILEGES - a natural person with the status of an entrepreneur, entered in the register of CEIDG, making an Order within the framework of their business activity, however without relation to the professional character of this activity. This status applies exclusively to customers having their place of delivery or registered office in Poland.

    4. CONSUMER - a customer who is a natural person using the Internet Store for the purpose not directly related to his/her business or professional activity,

    5. GOOD, PRODUCT - a movable item presented in the Online Shop, to which the Sales Agreement applies,

    6. CONTRACT OF SALE - a contract of sale of Goods, as defined by the Civil Code, concluded between the Seller and the Customer, using the website of the Store,

    7. INTERNET SHOP (SHOP) - Internet service available at [www.tessellis.pl], through which the Customer may place an Order,

    8. ORDER - Customer's declaration of will specifying explicitly the type and quantity of Goods, aiming directly at the conclusion of the Sales Agreement,


    10. ORDER PERFORMANCE TIME - number of working days needed for the Operator to complete an order placed by a Customer on the Website and to deliver it via a postal operator or a courier company to the address provided by the Customer in the Order,

    11. ACCOUNT - functionality of the Website enabling the purchase of goods, access to the history of orders placed via the Website, preview of the fulfilment of orders placed via the Website, access to the data provided during registration with the possibility of modification in accordance with these Terms and Conditions,

    12. OPERATOR - Operator of the Website and Supplier of food for closed events, MM GIN SHOP SP. Z O.O. , UL. KOZIELSKA 2, 44-153 SOŚNICOWICE

§2 Rules of using the shop

  1. The Operator provides the following services electronically:

  1. providing the possibility for the Customer and the Client to create an account on the Website, allowing to purchase products and use other services offered on the Website;

  2. enabling the individual Customer to purchase products on the Website without registering an individual account;

  1. Registration of an Account on the Website is voluntary and free of charge.

  2. The agreement for the provision of services for creating and maintaining an individual account on the Website is concluded when the Customer fills in the registration form at [www.tessellis.pl], accepts the Terms of Use and consents to the Operator's processing of his personal data, and confirms his will to create an individual account on the Website by pressing the Create Account icon.

  3. Before registering an individual account on the Website, the Customer should carefully read these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

  4. After registering an individual account on the Site, the Customer may log in to the Site by providing the e-mail address and password indicated during registration; if the Customer does not remember the password, he/she may use the password reminder by providing the e-mail address he/she provided during registration.

  5. The Customer may delete his/her account on the Website at any time and without stating any reason. As a result of deleting the account, the contract for providing the Customer with an individual account on the Website is terminated.

  6. In order to delete the Customer's account from the Website (termination of the agreement), an e-mail message requesting the deletion of the account should be sent to the following e-mail address: kontakt@tessellis.pl with the identification data of the Customer currently registered in the Website. The above does not apply if the Store is in the process of fulfilling an Order placed by the Customer. In such a case, the effect of termination of the contract will take place as soon as the Order in question is realised.

  7. The Store allows Orders to be placed without the need to register and log in to the Store. For this purpose, each time during the process of placing an Order the Customer is obliged to fill in an electronic form by entering the data required by the Store necessary for its identification and the conclusion and performance of the Sales Agreement (first and last name, electronic mail address (e-mail), telephone number - optionally, delivery address). The Customer is obliged to accept the current Terms and Conditions together with a statement of consent to process personal data for the purpose of the Order. Failure to register with the Store means that the Customer does not have a Customer account which allows access to automatic tracking of the Order.

  8. In order to use the services offered in the Electronic Shop and to browse the content of the Website, place orders and use an individual account on the Website, the following minimum technical conditions are required:

  1. Possession of a multimedia device with access to the Internet;

  2. Possession of a web browser with up-to-date shockwave flash, Java plug-ins and deactivated website content blocking programs e.g. AdBlock:

    1. Mozilla Firefox

    2. Opera

    3. Google Chrome

    4. Internet Explorer

  3. Having an active e-mail account;

  4. A program to read PDF files.

  1. In the event that the Customer uses hardware or software that does not meet the technical requirements specified above, the Shop does not guarantee the correct functioning of the service and stipulates that this may have a negative impact on the quality and progress of the Order placement procedure.

  2. The Customer undertakes to:

    1. use the Site in a manner that does not violate the law or the provisions of these Regulations;

    2. use the Site in a manner that does not violate the rights of third parties, good customs or the principles of social coexistence;

    3. use the Site in a manner that does not violate the law or these Terms of Use; use the Site in a manner that does not violate the rights of third parties, decency or the rules of social conduct; and

    4. to take due care in defining the password and login on the Website, as well as to maintain their confidentiality.

  3. The Operator may terminate the agreement for provision of individual account services on the Website at 14 days' notice in the event of breach of the rules referred to in subsection 11 above.

  4. The termination of the agreement for provision of individual account services on the Website shall be sent to the Customer at the e-mail address indicated on the Website.

  5. The Operator is not responsible for the consequences of providing login data on the Website to third parties.

  6. It is forbidden for the Customer to provide unlawful content, including in the opinions on the Products.

  7. The Shop ensures that all opinions on the Products offered in the Shop come only from Customers who have purchased a given Product. To this end, the Shop restricts access to the rating and feedback form for a Product only to those Customers who have an active customer account within the Shop and on which a purchase of a given Product has been registered in the Order history. Customers who have purchased a Product without registering also have access to the rating form. Such Customers will receive a special link within the Order confirmation e-mail allowing them to access the feedback and rating form for the Product in question.

§3 Placing orders and concluding delivery contracts

  1. Before placing an order for a Product available on the Site, the Customer is obliged to carefully read the content of these Terms and Conditions. By confirming an order on the Website, the Customer simultaneously declares that he or she has read and accepted the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and that he or she permits the Operator to process his or her personal data in order to complete the order.

  2. Provision of electronic services by the Operator to enable the Customers to place orders for products available on the Website through the Website is free of charge and of a one-time nature. The service is terminated as soon as the order of the Operator is completed.

  3. Orders for products available on the Website may be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the year, except during technical and maintenance breaks. Orders placed on public holidays will be fulfilled on the first working day counting from the day on which the order was placed.

  4. The Operator accepts orders via the Website in such a way that the Customer browsing the content of the Website, after selecting a product and accepting its price, automatically adds it to the order form available in the Shopping Cart tab after switching it on or pressing the Shopping Cart button .

  5. Once the Customer has accepted the products on the order form, determined the number of products, selected the form of payment and the method of delivery of the products and finally accepted the total price of all the products, the Customer may complete the order by pressing the Order button and providing his/her details necessary for the delivery of the purchased product.

  6. Confirmation of the Order by the Customer is tantamount to declaring that the Customer takes responsibility for the receipt of the purchased Goods by an adult.

  7. The Order form shall indicate the Customer's name, telephone number and e-mail address, address details of the place of delivery of the Order. When ordering alcoholic beverages for a closed event, the time and place of the said closed event must additionally be indicated.

  8. The Customer who purchases as an entrepreneur shall be obliged to provide the VAT number when placing the Order, otherwise it shall be assumed that he/she purchases as a Consumer.

  9. The assessment of whether a Customer who is an entrepreneur entered in the register of CEIDG has the status of an Entrepreneur with consumer rights is made by the Shop on a case-by-case basis and based on the Customer's statements, if any, made in the course of Ordering Products.

  10. After placing an order, the Customer will receive, via e-mail, at the address indicated on the order form, a confirmation of acceptance of the order. This confirmation will send a list of the products ordered, together with their unit prices, total price, shipping costs and the method and expected time of delivery.

  11. The basic condition for the fulfilment of the order is that the Customer fills in the order form correctly. In the event of any ambiguity regarding the data provided by the Customer, the Operator may suspend the execution of the order, of which it shall immediately inform the Customer.

  12. In the event that the Products included in the Order are not available in the warehouse, at the Store's suppliers or for other reasons, and it is not possible to fulfil the Customer's Order, the Store shall notify the Customer within 14 (fourteen) days at the latest, counting from the date of placing the Order. In this case, the Customer has the right to decide whether to agree to the fulfilment of the Order within the period proposed by the Store or to withdraw from the contract. If it is not possible to carry out part of the Order as referred to above, the Customer is informed of the status of the Order and decides how to carry it out. The Customer has the option to choose between:

  1. partial fulfilment - the Customer's choice of this option results in the fulfilment of the Order concerning the available Products only;

  2. cancellation of the entire Order (withdrawal).

In the event of cancellation, the Shop will refund the price paid to the Customer. Notification shall be sent to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer on the Order or registration form. If no decision is made within 7 (seven) days of notification, the Order shall be cancelled for the part of the Products not available.

§4 Prices of Products

  1. All prices on the Site are in Polish zloty and include VAT at the applicable rate.

  2. The shipping cost shall be added to the total price of products ordered on the Site, depending on the selected method of delivery and method of payment.

  3. The price given next to each product on the Website is binding at the moment of placing an order by the Customer.

  4. The Operator reserves the right to change prices of products on the Website, introduce new products to the Website, as well as carry out promotional actions and grant discounts.

  5. Whenever the Operator announces a reduction in the prices of products available on the Website, the Operator shall, in addition to the promotional price, also include information about the lowest price of the product which was in effect30 days before the start of the promotion, or, if the product has been available on the Website for less than 30 days, the price that was in effect from the start of sales of the product until the date of the promotion.

  6. The changes in the prices of products on the Site referred to in item 4 above shall not affect the prices of products in orders placed before the effective date of a price change or the terms of a promotion or sale.

§5 Payment methods

Payment for ordered products can be made as follows:

  1. By cash on delivery of the ordered product:

    1. In person at the Operator's premises,

  2. Cashless before the collection of the ordered product, by:

    1. direct transfer to the Operator's account,

    2. payment by card, debit

    3. payment authorisation in systems:

      1. Przelewy 24

  3. A detailed list of all payment options for ordered products, including all associated costs, is available on the Website under the Delivery and Payment tab at tessellis.pl

§6 Product delivery terms and conditions

  1. The ordered products may be collected in person at the Operator's premises at no additional cost or delivered to the address specified in the contract within Poland, in accordance with the Customer's request expressed in the order form.

  2. The cost of delivery of the ordered products shall be borne by the Customer, of which the Customer shall be informed upon acceptance of the Order.

  3. The cost of delivery of the products and the total lead time depend on the form of delivery chosen by the Customer.

  4. The Customer is clearly informed of the delivery costs, prior to placing the Order, in the order form on the Site, after having selected the delivery method.

  5. Each product shipped is accompanied by a proof of purchase and information on the right to withdraw from the contract, together with a sample Return Form to facilitate withdrawal from the contract and information on the possibility of a complaint, together with a sample Complaint Form. The specimen forms are only examples and are not binding on the Customer.

  6. The ordered products will be delivered to the Customer within 30 days, unless a longer delivery period is expressly stipulated in the product description.

  7. The customer agrees to receive a VAT invoice without signature.

  8. The operator recommends that the Customer, before receiving the postal or courier service, checks that the packaging has not been damaged in transit. In the case of visible damage, the Customer should not accept the consignment and in the presence of an employee of the postal service or courier, draw up a damage report and immediately contact the Operator.

  9. The Operator stipulates that alcoholic beverages ordered will not be released to persons who are intoxicated or underage. In the event of a refusal to release the products for the above reasons, the Operator will immediately declare the withdrawal from the contract and refund the customer the money paid, deducted by the cost of delivery. The courier is entitled to check the age of majority of the person receiving the Product.

§7 Warranty for defects

  1. The Operator declares that the products in the Shop are brand new, original and meet the conditions specified in the specifications of each product.

  2. Goods are in conformity with the contract if, in particular, their:

  1. its description, type, quantity, quality, completeness and functionality and, for Goods with digital elements, also its compatibility, interoperability and availability of updates;

  2. suitability for the specific purpose for which it is needed by the Consumer , of which the Consumer notified the Seller at the latest at the time of concluding the Sales Agreement and which the Seller accepted.

  1. In addition, the Goods, in order to be considered to be in conformity with the contract, must:

  1. be fit for the purposes for which Goods of that kind are normally used, taking into account applicable law, technical standards or good practice;

  2. be in such quantity and have such characteristics, including durability and safety and, in respect of Goods with digital elements, functionality and compatibility, as are typical of Goods of that kind and which the consumer may reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the Goods,

  3. be supplied with packaging, accessories and instructions which the Consumer may reasonably expect to be supplied;

  4. be of the same quality as the sample or design that the Shop made available to the Consumer before the conclusion of the contract and correspond to the description of such sample or design.

  1. The Operator is obliged to provide the Consumer with the ordered products without physical and legal defects and shall be fully liable in the event of such defects, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

  2. The Shop shall not be liable for non-conformity of the Goods with the sales contract if the Consumer has been expressly informed that a specific feature of the Goods deviates from the requirements for conformity with the contract specified above and has accepted the lack of a specific feature of the Goods.

  3. In the event that the delivered Goods are found to be defective, the Consumer may, at his or her choice, exercise warranty rights, if a warranty has been granted, and his or her rights from the Shop under the warranty. The guarantee rights and the warranty rights are independent of each other.

  4. If a faulty product or service is found, the Customer may lodge a complaint and inform the Store of the observed irregularities, document the irregularities in order to verify the reservations and indicate whether he or she demands that the Goods be repaired or replaced with new ones. A complaint can be submitted electronically or in writing to the address of the Shop.

  5. In the case of contracts concluded with Consumers and Entrepreneurs with consumer rights, the Seller is liable under warranty and/or contractual liability for the services provided. It is excluded in relation to the Customer with other status.

  6. It is advisable that the complaint form includes, in particular: the name of the Customer, mailing address to which a reply to the complaint is to be sent, e-mail address, order number, if the Customer wishes to receive a reply by e-mail, date of purchase of the product, type of product advertised, detailed description of the defect and the date on which it was found, the Customer's request and an indication of the Customer's preferred method of responding to the complaint.

  7. The Operator provides the Customer with a sample Complaint Form, available on the Website at tessellis.pl, which is only an example and is not binding on the Customer. The Customer does not have to follow or use this template.

  8. The Shop will immediately, but no later than within 14 days of receipt of the complaint, take a position on the complaint and inform the Customer of further proceedings. The Shop will immediately notify the complainant of the outcome of the complaint in writing or by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the complaint application. In the first instance, the Consumer may request the Shop to repair or replace the Goods with new ones.

  9. If the Shop:

  • refused to repair or replace the Goods or failed to bring them into conformity with the contract;

  • the defect persists despite attempts to remedy it;

  • the defect in the Goods is too significant for the Goods to be repaired;

  • the Shop has declared to the Customer or it is apparent from the circumstances that it will not be possible to bring the Goods into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time or without excessive cost.

In such a case, the Customer may demand a price reduction or withdraw from the contract.

  1. Transport of the Goods complained of under the warranty shall be at the expense of the Shop via the shipping method indicated by the Shop. The Shop does not accept parcels sent back cash on delivery. In some cases, it is not necessary to send the Product under complaint, and the Seller may only inspect the photos provided by the Consumer or Entrepreneur of the Consumer's entitlements, which will be informed by the Seller upon receipt of the complaint notification.

  1. If the choice to withdraw from the contract has been made, all payments made by the Consumer, including delivery costs, will be refunded to the Consumer immediately, but no later than within 14 days of the date on which the Consumer is informed that the complaint has been accepted by the Shop. Payments made by payment card or electronic transfer shall be refunded to the bank account from which the payment was made, unless the Customer expressly makes another refund instruction before the refund is made that does not generate additional costs for the Customer.

  2. In the event of a dispute between the Shop and the Customer as to the legitimacy of a refusal to accept a complaint, the Customer, who is a Consumer, has the right to make use of out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and claims. The Customer may use mediation or an amicable court by providing the institution before which the proceedings will take place with an appropriate form - an application for mediation or an application for consideration of the matter before an amicable court. A list of sample institutions with contact details is available at www.uokik.gov.pl. In addition, at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr, the Consumer has access to resolve consumer disputes electronically via the EU online platform (ODR platform). The Entrepreneur with consumer rights does not have such a right.

  1. Details of the complaint procedure are set out in the Complaints and Returns tab located on the Website at tessellis.co.uk.

  2. In the event of any deficiencies in the submitted complaint, the Operator will ask the Customer to complete them in accordance with the address data indicated in the complaint application.

§8 Right of withdrawal

  1. A Customer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights, may withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of the delivery. He should then make a declaration of withdrawal and return the Goods to the Shop. The deadline is deemed to be met if the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights sends a statement of withdrawal in writing to the Seller's address or electronically to e-mail: [kontakt@tessellis.pl] or directly at the Seller's premises no later than on the last day of the 14-day period. The Seller shall, upon receipt of a statement of withdrawal in electronic form at the aforementioned e-mail or postal address, immediately confirm its receipt by sending information to the e-mail address of the withdrawing party. The declaration of withdrawal submitted after the aforementioned period shall have no legal effect.

  2. The right of withdrawal from a contract concluded at a distance, referred to in paragraph 1 above, shall not apply to the Consumer in relation to a speech in which the subject of performance is a sound or visual recording or computer software delivered in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery.

  3. Goods should be returned in an unaltered and complete state, without traces of use, unless the change was necessary within the limits of ordinary management, i.e. the Consumer or Entrepreneur of the consumer's rights should handle the Goods with a view to their possible subsequent return. He shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the Goods resulting from their use beyond what is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods. If the returned Goods are incomplete or bear traces of use exceeding the usual management of the thing, the Store reserves the right to refuse to accept the consignment or reduce the returned amount by the equivalent of the damaged goods, at the Store's discretion.

  4. Returned Goods should be sent back within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract at the latest, together with a statement of withdrawal to the address of the Shop, i.e. [MM GIN SHOP SP. Z O.O. , UL. KOZIELSKA 2, 44-153 SOŚNICOWICE]. The Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights shall bear only direct costs of returning the Product to the Shop (return costs).

  5. In the case of withdrawal from the contract, the Operator shall immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of a declaration of the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights of withdrawal, return to the Consumer or the Entrepreneur withconsumer's rights all payments received from him or her, including the costs of delivery of the goods, except for the additional costs arising from the delivery method chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest ordinary delivery method offered by the Operator.

  6. Reimbursement of payments to the Consumer or the Entrepreneur of the Consumer's entitlement shall be made by the Operator using the same means of payment used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of reimbursement. In any case, the Consumer will not incur additional costs related to this return.

  7. The Operator may withhold reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer or the Entrepreneur of the Consumer's Entitlement until it has received the goods back or the Consumer has provided evidence of the goods being returned, whichever event occurs first.

  8. The Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the item resulting from the use of the item other than what was necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functionality of the item.

  9. Details of the procedure to be followed in the event of withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer are specified in the Complaints and Returns tab located on the Website at TESSELLIS.PL.

  10. The Operator provides the Customer with a model of the Withdrawal Form, available on the Website at TESSELLIS.PL, which is only an example and is not binding for the Customer. The Customer does not have to be guided by this template or use it.

§9 Product exchange

  1. Every Customer has the right to exchange any product purchased on the Site without stating a reason for doing so, for any other product available on the Site within 14 days of receipt, (subject to the provisions referred to in paragraph 2).

  2. Audio or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in closed packaging shall not be exchanged if the packaging has been opened after delivery.

  3. The declaration of the wish to exchange the product must be submitted to the Operator, directly at the Operator's premises, by e-mail or in writing to the Operator's postal address.

  4. In order for the exchange of the product to be accepted by the Operator, the exchanged product must be sent back to the Operator together with the items it received free of charge immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the day on which it informed the Operator of its wish to exercise its right to exchange the product.

  5. Details of the procedure to be followed in the event of a desire to exchange a product are specified in the tab Complaints and Returns located on the Website at TESSELLIS.PL.

§10 Personal data protection

The provisions relating to the protection of Customers' personal data by the Seller are contained in the Privacy and Cookies Policy located on the Website of the Shop.

§11 Out-of-court complaint and claim procedures

  1. Detailed information about the out-of-court complaint handling and claim procedures available to customers as consumers, as well as rules of access to these procedures are available at the offices and websites of county (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organisations to which social organisations have access.of consumer protection, social organisations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection and at the following Internet addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at:

  1. http://www.uokik.gov.pl/spory_konsumenckie.php

  2. http://www.uokik.gov.pl/sprawy_indywidualne.php

  3. http://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php

  1. A customer who is a consumer has the following exemplary possibilities of using out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and claims:

    1. The Customer is entitled to apply to the permanent amicable consumer court referred to in Article 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws 2001 No. 4 item 25 as amended) to resolve a dispute arising from the concluded Sales Agreement. The Rules of Procedure for the Organisation and Operation of Permanent Consumer Arbitration Courts are set out in the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice of 25 September 2001 on Defining the Rules of Procedure for the Organisation and Operation of Permanent Consumer Arbitration Courts. (Journal of Laws 2001, No. 113, item 1214).

    2. The Customer is entitled to apply to the provincial inspector of the Commercial Inspection, pursuant to Article 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Commercial Inspection (Journal of Laws 2001, No. 4, item 25, as amended), for the initiation of mediation proceedings for the amicable settlement of a dispute between the Customer and the Supplier. Information on the rules and procedure of mediation conducted by the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection is available in the offices and on the websites of individual provincial inspectorates of the Trade Inspection.

    3. The Customer may obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute between the Customer and the Supplier, using also the free assistance of a district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organisation whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (e.g. Federation of Consumers, Polish Consumers Association). Advice is provided by the Federation of Consumers at the toll-free consumer helpline number 800 007 707 and by the Association of Polish Consumers at the email address porady@dlakonsumentow.pl.

§12 Out-of-court complaint and redress procedures

  1. The personal data provided by the Customer during registration or when placing an order for products is processed by the Operator, who is the administrator of the personal data.

  2. In order to register or place an Order for a product, the Customer has to provide his/her personal data which is marked as obligatory and give his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data provided during registration or ordering. The provision of personal data marked as mandatory is voluntary, but necessary for the purposes of registration or placing a product order. The provision of personal data not marked as mandatory is entirely voluntary.

  3. The customer agrees to the processing of his/her personal data by ticking the appropriate box during the registration procedure or order placement.

  4. Collected personal data is not made available to third parties, with the exception of transferring the data to entities participating in the processing of the order for the purpose of delivering the ordered products to the Customer, mentioned in §6 par. When payment for the ordered products is made in advance by the Customer, his or her data is also transmitted to the entity through which the transaction is settled. The amount and type of data transmitted is limited to the necessary minimum.

  5. The Customer has the unlimited right to access and correct his/her personal data and to obtain full information on whether and to what extent his/her personal data are processed, as well as information on the purpose and scope of the processing of his/her personal data. For this purpose, he should contact the Operator directly at its premises or by post.

  6. The Operator, as a personal data controller, may entrust another entity, by means of a written agreement, with the processing of personal data, in accordance with Article 31 of the Personal Data Protection Act of 27 August 1997.

  7. Detailed rules of personal data protection and privacy policy on the Website are available in the Privacy Policy document, available at TESSELLIS.PL.

§13 Final provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions are publicly available documents, placed on the Website under Terms and Conditions, available at TESSELLIS.PL website in a form which allows its content to be obtained, reproduced and recorded by means of an ICT system used by the Client, as well as made available free of charge in printed form at the Operator's registered office.

  2. The information and price lists provided on the Website relating to the products presented on the Website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2014, item 121, as amended).

  3. Contracts concluded on the Website are concluded in the Polish language.

  4. The content of an agreement concluded via the Website is recorded, secured and made available by sending the content of the concluded agreement to the Customer at the e-mail address provided as part of the transaction performed on the Website.

  5. The Operator reserves the right to amend the content of these Terms and Conditions according to the following rules:

  1. Information about any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be published on the Website together with the new consolidated text of the Terms and Conditions and a summary of the latest changes to the Terms and Conditions.

  2. Each Customer who has registered on the Website shall also be informed of the content of the amendments to the Terms and Conditions by e-mail to the address indicated in the registration form.

  3. The information about changes to the Terms and Conditions will be provided no later than 14 calendar days before the changes to the Terms and Conditions become effective.

  4. The amended Terms and Conditions will be binding on the Customer who has registered on the Website, unless the Customer has, within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of information about the amendment to the Terms and Conditions, submitted a statement of termination of the contract for the provision of services on the Website.

  5. If these Terms and Conditions are amended, all contracts concluded before the effective date of the amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall be performed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions as in force on the date of conclusion of the contract.

  1. In matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions and also to the extent in which the Terms and Conditions would be contrary to mandatory provisions of law, the provisions of Polish law shall apply.

  2. The applicable law is Polish law. Disputes arising between the Customer and the Seller shall be settled by the court having jurisdiction over the Seller's registered office, with the proviso that in relation to Consumers such disputes shall be settled by the court having jurisdiction under the provisions of civil procedure. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Polish law. These Terms and Conditions do not limit any of the consumer's rights to protection that you may be entitled to under the mandatory laws of your country of residence.

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